Saturday, September 10, 2011


   Okay so I was going through the posts that sophomores did and this very true post title got my attention.

        “…the way you act and picture school is what makes a person think that school is stupid or time wasting. I imagine it as a place to make new friends and create some knowledge from the oh so boring thing called LEARNING. School is there for a reason, not as a prison or place to throw crap loads of work at you, the reason why they give us students all this work is so we can learn for reality.”

    I honestly agree with this quote because it’s just true and I can relate to it. People are always like “ oh I hate school, I hate these homeworks, I hate my teacher…it’s soo boring…bla bla bla” Like really? I don’t get why people act like they’re learning for somebody else. This school and learning thing is only useful to us later on to achieve our dreams and live a better life.
     To tell the truth me myself don’t like homeworks and all the works that teachers give us. But somehow I still like to come to school, maybe it’s because of my friends or maybe because I think of my future. I have lots of dreams…for example to live in a big luxurious house. but If I don’t learn I can’t graduate if I cant graduate I can’t  go into college if I can’t get into college I won’t have a job if I don’t have a job I wont have a luxurious house to live in. so this is why i go to school. To achieve my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I love your positive attitude and motivation to learn. I think far too many students don't take their own education seriously enough, and it makes me really sad. (Of course, the flip side of this is that I also don't like the way schools treat learning like something you can stamp out of a's a big part of the reason why so many kids don't "get" what education is for!)

    It does make me nervous, though, to hear people repeat the same myth over and over again without questioning it: Good grades = good college = good job = good money = happiness. Life is just not this simple. Not by a long shot. By all means, kick butt and go to college, learn all you can and slam-dunk your education. But the days when a college degree guaranteed the things you're assuming here are, unfortunately, gone. Sorry to sound like I'm pooping on your dreams, but I want to help people wake up to this!
