Wednesday, September 7, 2011


       Hey, my name is Enkhlen Khurelbaatar. Right now you must be wondering why I have such a long and hard-to-say last name, it’s because I’m Mongolian. Many Mongolian names are like this, you’re probably familiar with this kind of names if you have Mongolian friends. My first name has a meaning of peace. Many people including my teachers and friends, always pause for a second before saying my name and then ask “ how do you say your name?” , but I like my name because it’s kind of unique and I think it’s cool. So this is it about my name. I have lived fifteen years and it’s so far so good. Here, in the United States I live with my parents and I don’t have any siblings. So it’s kind of boring but on the other side I’m happy to be the only child. All of my other family members are back in Mongolia. Its kind of scary that it’s just three of us in this big country. But we already lived here 3 years. The adventure I’d like to share is when I first landed in the United States of America  with my parents, which was in Los Angeles. We were in LA for about a week and then we went to Washington, DC. There we lived for about 3 months and I attended an American school for the first time. It was pretty exciting but scary at the same time because it was so big and I didn’t speak English that well. I also saw the White house and the Pencil. After 3 months, my family went to New York and saw the Statue of Liberty and the Wax House. Finally, my parents decided to settle down in Alameda, CA after traveling around for a little bit. So this was my little adventure around America.

    Now I’ll talk about my educational history. Back when I was in Mongolia, I used to go to a Russian school. Russian was like my second home language because I even went to a Russian kindergarden and learned all of my subjects in Russian until my 4th grade. So basically it means I learned Russian for 5 years. But the sad thing is when I came here to learn English, I forgot my Russian. Even though I remember the basic talks now I know English more than Russian. I also studied English grammar in Mongolia for a year. So my writing goal is to speak English fluently, pronounce words correctly and learn more vocabulary.

    I’m not that into sports like many others. But this year I got interested in volleyball for some reason. So I told my parents that I would like to try volleyball, so now I go to a volleyball practice outside of school’s volleyball. And I think it’s the right sport for me because I feel powerful when I play this sport. I’m practicing a lot so I can get better and  play in the team. The weird thing is I don’t know what my hobbies are, I like to do lots of stuff…
    The adventures I want to have in the future is finish my high school with A’s and go to a good University of something. And this is it about me for now.

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