Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[RE] Girls like Boys...

As I was reading through people's blogs i found this interesting quote from Bridget's blog:

   " Second example drives me insane sometimes, and that's when I see girls cry over boyfriends. For real though, ladies my age don't know much shit about what "real love" is."

   I have to agree with this quote because  lots of girls at our age die to get a boyfriend. It's like all they think and talk about is boys boys boys...I mean, there are more important things other than boys. Im not saying that we can't talk about boys or crush on them. I just think it's too early for us to talk about real love and heartbreaks. I bet the real heartbreak and real love is nothing compared to what we call "love". I see many girls that run after boys and finally go out with them. But after a month or so, the guy dumps the girl after using her. And the girl cries, listens to sad love songs and post sad love quotes on Facebook saying "im heartbroken </3" and other stuff... When I see that kind of quote i wish to say if your heart is really broken you'd be dead, not posting things on Facebook.

    When you least expect a love, love will always find you one way or another. It’s just not the time, as we grow up we will find the “real love” of our life. For right now we should focus on school and other important things. The last thing I wanna say is  NEVER RUN AFTER BUS AND BOYS…ANOTHER ONE ALWAYS COMES ;)))))

1 comment:

  1. "if your heart is really broken you'd be dead, not posting things on Facebook." Hilarious!
