Friday, September 16, 2011

[FREE] Dark circles under my eyes...smh

    I know it's been only 3 weeks since school started but I'm sooo tired. It doesn’t seem like I have that much homework compared to students that took bunch of AP and HP classes. But I take longer than them to finish my regular home works. I’m stressing out because of my laziness and slowness. But my biggest problem is time management. I always end up staying all night to finish my few homeworks. It’s like I take 3 hours just to finish one of them. And them I stay up till around 2 and wake up at 7…. I’m sleeping 5 hours almost everyday and I keep falling asleep in the class. Even though I want to pay attention in class and try not to fall asleep, my eyes are just closing themselves I really can’t help it. When I fall asleep I miss out some important things my teachers say and end up not doing my hw because I didn’t hear my teacher's direction.
      One day my friend was like “omagaash what happened to your face?”  and I was like “idk what happened?” then she said “ you look very tired, you have dark circles under your eyes.” And after I heard her comment I looked at a mirror and I did look tired. Soo I started to worry about my future, how am I gonna graduate high school, college, universities if I can’t even do my homeworks in my sophmore year. And thinking about these stuff made me more stressful and tired. But I shall learn how to manage my time before things get more complicated and hard. And to people who’s reading this use your time wisely, time is gold and it’s never going to wait for you.

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