Sunday, September 25, 2011

[CE] Shots...everywhere!

 here is the information about the shot :

    Im not surprised that someone was shot in West Oakland. But it's kind of weird how he was shot in the morning 11:55 a.m. I thought most shot were fired in the middle of the night cuz thats when crimes happen. But i guess this one is different.
    Many scary things happen in West Oakland, if i lived there i don't think i would go outside at night even in the morning. Many teenagers hang out with their friends at night or spend night outside. I think it’s very dangerous anything can happen. If a was a parent who lived in Oakland and if my child was not home by 8 o’clock I would pick her up from where she is and ground her.

    But I don’t think it only happens in Oakland it can also happen in Alameda. Actually it did happen in Alameda. I know this girl who was shot on Halloweens Day at night. And she used to go here, in  Alameda High School. We also have her portrait in our school for her memory. I believe that she was an great example for us not to go outside when it’s dark. Especially Halloweens day is coming, so we should be careful and not hangout at night. Who knows some maniacs can shoot you just because they want to. So be careful guys! Teeheee J

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