Sunday, September 11, 2011

[CE] Be happy with what you have...

hello guys...please click on this link to watch the video:
  Okay, so I watched this video and literally cried. It just soo sad and touching…The kids who never met their dad, they only saw them from a picture or heard people talk about their dads. Watching this video made me think of  how selfish and wrong I was. These kids don’t have dads who can tell them what’s right and what’s wrong, scold them for doing something bad, and make them feel safe and warm. So I thought that I should be a little more thankful that I have a dad who scolds me, it kind of shows that he cares about me.
    Some of us just hate our dads and wish that they're dead n stuff. But these kids’ big wishes are to just see them. We don’t realize how important and valuable a person is until that person is gone. So I would like to say be thankful and satisfied with what you have. There are people who are wishing to be in your place. If your parents scold you for being late or not doing homework, it means that they care and worry about you. They just want us to be happy and live a good life. We never really do anything for them, all we mostly do is complain about stuff. At least we should listen to them and say how much we love them. And doing this is not even 1% of the debt we owe to them just for raising us.
    I hope you guys enjoyed this video and feeling thankful to your parents like I do...see ya^^


  1. This post reminds me of a lot of the thinking I've done over the years. We're teenagers, it's in our nature- hell, it's in our job description to whine and be self centered. First world problems, right? but in the end, we need to learn to be grateful for all the incredible things that have been given to us.

  2. I responded to your post.

  3. i responded to this post.
