Sunday, September 25, 2011

[FREE] Some people think cursing is cool

   I personally don’t think cursing is that bad. I think it’s just same as other words. I curse when I’m not in the good mood or did something wrong. I mostly say “ sh*t” or “ wth”. These two words just slip out of my mouth automatically when something bad happens. However, I don’t really say the f word and I try not to say it.

    But I think some people swear just to look cool to other kids. It’s nothing cool when people say the f word every 5 seconds. It makes them look rude and disrespectful. To me it seems kind of annoying and stupid. I also don’t understand why people try to learn bad words first when they’re learning a new language. Some of my friends asked me how to say “sh*t”, “ b*tch”, “ f*ck” in my own language. After I tell them how to say it, they’ll go to other people who don’t know what it means and say those words to them. It’s like a cycle thing, it always happens wherever I go.
    I heard this saying, it goes like this “ what you say with your mouth is the seed to your future life”. I’m not sure it is true or not, but to me it kind of makes sense. If you say too much bad words and have negative thinking, your life is going to be like that. Im not trying to judge people here, I’m sharing my opinion that cursing doesn’t look cool at all. Oh yea I made up a bad word in my Spanish class. It’s “ ay shiete!”. It means shit if you can't figure it out. Teeheee J

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