Sunday, September 25, 2011

[RE] No one is Perfect

I agree with Gary Chan, we all make mistakes.

    We all make mistakes. Do we deserve the punishment sometimes? Yes. But what we can do is learn from this and do better.”

    Of course there is no such thing as perfect. There is always some kind of mistake we make. The point were you will have to make important decisions comes to everybody at least once in their life time. Well, actually it will come hundreds and hundreds of times in our lives. We can’t make the right decision every time, there will be times where we will fail and make the wrong decisions. And sometimes we will need to face the consequences of our mistakes and get punished.

    But I don’t think we should blame ourselves or regret what we have done. We make mistakes so we can learn from it and do it better next time. But from the other hand making mistakes is okay doesn’t mean we can make mistakes always. We need to try not to make the same mistakes next time. I think the whole purpose of making mistake is to teach us some kind of lesson in our lives. It’s like if we face the same problem or need to make decisions again, then we can look back and say “ I made a mistake on this one so I should be careful and think what’s the right decision.” But if someone makes the same mistake over and over, I don’t know what to say….Teeheee J

1 comment:

  1. Hey I sooo agree and i did a response post on it check it out @
