Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[BC] Once upon a time in a darkened gym of Alameda High...

 Jenna is a sixteen year old girl and goes to Alameda High School. One day after her volleyball practice she left behind in the gym to practice more alone. But suddenly all the lights turned off in the gym. The room was dark, too dark. She made sure her eyes were open, fearing she had gone blind. She couldn't see her hand, even though it was literally an inch from her face. Jenna gathered her courage to call out a hello again, hoping that someone would answer or someone was playing prank on her. But nobody answered. The gym remained so silent that she only can hear her shaking breath and loud heartbeats like her heart is about to pop out of her.
 A cool shudder trickled down her spine. Glancing around nervously, she sees the orange wooden benches, four basketball hoops and the five doors of the gym. Then, out of nowhere it seemed like someone was sitting on the benches and staring at her. Jenna couldn’t believe her eyes, she wanted to walk closer to prove that it was just her seeing things, but she couldn’t move but panic and stand there like she was glued to the floor.  It seemed like a girl that was staring at Jenna. The girl had long hair, skinny and a pale face that kind of lightened in the pitch dark. Cold, hesitant light streamed in through the main door and seemed like someone was walking outside.  When Jenna turned around to look at a door, she saw nothing but more cold darkness. When she turned around to look at the girl again, she was gone, Jenna felt relieved and thought that she was seeing things because she was scared. Jenna remembered that she left her cell phone in the locker room so she walked forward to locker door to check if it’s open but unfortunately it was locked.  Jenna couldn’t help but feel that someone is following her. Whirling around, she sees nothing. 'Turn back' someone seemed to say, but Jenna swallows a nervous whimper and continues into the dark gym...

    All the doors were locked in the gym. Jenna punched, kicked the green doors and yelled for help but no one was outside or cared to come. She sat down on the benches and hopelessly cried with fear and frustration. When Jenna sat up to look again she wasn’t sitting on the benches anymore, she was standing in the center of the gym. Then shadows seemed to swirl around her feet, sucking in. In a burst of panic, she fumbled for a light switch next to the main door. She flipped it up and down frantically, but the gym remained immersed in darkness. Fear settled in and deep down she knew she’s not alone in the dark. Something brushed her back and grabbed her shoulder. Outside she could heart the autumn wind howling, and it almost sounded like laughter to her panicked mind. A low chuckle broke her thought process, directly in front of her. Jenna screamed, but heard nothing in the overwhelming blackness. She was being drawn in, drowned in slumbering evil, where there was no escape...

    The next day Jenna’s friends, parents, teachers and everybody searched for her but nobody found her or any sign of what happened to her. After few weeks, one girl left her jacket in the locker room so she went back there after school to get it. When she was about to leave after getting her jacket, a phone rang in of the lockers. The girl found the phone in a green little locker that Jenna used. When she picked up, some female voice said “You’re next.” Before she could ask what it was about, it was already dead at the other end and the phone was completely shut down. Then the lights turned off.

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