Friday, October 7, 2011

[RE] more and more CANDIESSSS!! xD

   YESSS!!! The Halloween is coming up. We have like 24 days till it happens.Stores are already selling halloween costumes and people decorating their houses. When I think about Halloween I think about CANDIESS. I love candies they're just soo good that i can't get enough. And i totally agree with Gigi here:

     "I'm probably too old to still trick-or-treat and stuff but it's so fun."

    I wanna go trick-or-treat too. But my friends told me we're too old to do it. But still i wanna goo and get candies. Since I came in America I trick-or-treated only twice. I really liked it, so i wanna go this year again, but if i do it this year it's going to be the last one. Last year me and my friends wore a plain white mask, the ones like Jabawokees wear and then drew things on it. And people thought we were U-KISS. We went through several streets and collected many candies, I ate it like for weeks.

   But i still doubt that i would go this year cuz my parents think it's dangerous to go outside on Halloween. There were several deaths in Alameda during Halloween, so parents would want me to stay home safely. It would suck if i can't go. -_____-


1 comment:

  1. Trick-or-treating is my life. We're still kids! Fight for the right!
