Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[FREE] interruption...uughh

   Soo guys my this week's free post is going to be about interruption. Interruption means to talk while someone else is talking. I find interruptions very annoying and rude.I believe people will agree with me on this. I just can't stand it when someone else talks when i'm talking , it makes me forget the point of what i was talking and it makes me frustrated.

  Listening carefully while someone else is talking and waiting patiently till it ends shows a respect to that certain person. Many people don't have that respect, especially at our age. There's always at least one student that always interrupts the teacher or students in the class. For teachers, it's really hard to teach when someone else is constantly interrupting and it's hard for students to learn too. Well if i was a teacher i would make that student do some extra work or punish that student until he/she learns to listen to others patiently. In some countries teachers make their student hold a chair up for hours until they get it. Or some of hit their hand or butt with a long wooden ruler. I don't expect any teachers here to do that but if students don't understand when teachers just say "stop", i think some students deserve something harsh and bitter. Because when we grow up, we'll need this patient at some point. There are many many adults that still interrupt while someone is talking, i think it becomes a habit if we don't fix it early.


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