Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[BC] If tomorrow was my last day....

   The quote that Steve Jobs said had me thinking my life in a different way for a second, especially this part:
        " Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life...Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

  I agree with this quote and it inspires me a lot. One truth about every person is that they all want to succeed in their lives; everyone has some kind of dream and wants to make that dream come true. It don't  matter what we're doing,  the core desire at the center of all our actions is success, even the criminals wants to succeed in their crimes. So if Steve Jobs was never motivated by the idea of death to take charge of his life and do only what was important and necessary to his success, this world would never have seen the Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod and any other things that starts with "i".

    If I started to live like there’s no tomorrow, then my life would be so much better. If I wake up and ask myself “would I want to do what I’m going to do today if it was my last day?” everyday, I wouldn’t do any unimportant things and waste my time. I would finish every task within one day without putting it back for tomorrow and I would have less stress. I would do things that I wanted without regret and also I would have more success and accomplishments in my life. If I live motivated by death just like Steve, I would love my family and friends with all my heart and do nice things for them, I would respect people and won’t say or do mean things. I believe that us humans all have expire dates and every one of us has an assignment to complete before we expire. So If I lived motivated by this quote, I would like to find out what my assignment is and complete it.

  My advice for people is to find your assignments if you didn’t. If you don’t find it  or don’t complete it before your expire date, I don’t think there will be any difference between you and a still-born. Therefore, don’t be afraid of deaths, but be motivated by it. . Let it drive you into pursuing your purpose with passion every single day of your life. Be afraid of only one thing: To die before you complete your assignment, because this is like failing an exam and not having another chance of retaking it. Also living like your last day of your life doesn’t mean to party and have fun everyday, it means to not waste your time on things that are not useful to you. Be wise and reach your dreams!

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