Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] Volleyball :)))

   Last week was a very exciting week for me because I played in volleyball tournament. I really like to play volleyball but im not super good at it. This tournament was on Saturday in Bladium. Me and my team practiced every Tuesday for two months i think and we were really looking forward to this competition. And finally it was the day to play. I woke up early and didn't feel like playing at all because the day before we practiced a lot and my body was all sore. But i still wanted to be optimistic so we can win.

   When it was our turn to play i got so nervous, even though it wasn't my first time playing in a team. The other teams were good. We were trying our best, but somewhat we lost points on silly mistakes. Also the hard thing was when we lost points some of us got frustrated and irritated. We played against 5 teams, we won 3 teams and lost to 2 teams. When we were playing I wanted to win so desperately, when we needed one point to win i started to shake, which we lost in that team. At the end we won the 3rd place and got medals. I thought it was better than nothing and felt pretty good. I had a really good time and i think the hard work paid off, even though i wanted to win the first place. But it's okay,  we will totally win next time! :)))

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