Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] where is the love?

   I just read this inspiring article about this brave woman Williams. This incident happened recently like two days ago. Williams was driving her daughter to her school before she went to her job, but then she saw a truck on fire in her rear-view mirror. She stopped the car and left her baby in there to save that random stranger who was on fire. I think her actions were very brave and heroic when she could have burned herself too.
    I'm very impressed and inspired that she saved just a random person when no one else cared enough to at least stop when someone was FREACKING BURNING!!! If I was that driver I would never ever forget her braveness and will be thankful to her for the rest of my life. I'm  very happy that there are still some people left that care about other people. This article makes me want to ask "Only one car stopped to save the driver then what happened to the other hundreds of cars that passed the truck?" From this kind of things we can see that people just don't care about each other anymore and lost our love. But If I was in that situation I think I would just pass the truck without stopping and I hate myself for that. It's really sad to see people becoming more selfish and careless these days or maybe we're just scared to stand up for the right thing. But I guess I'll be thankful that there are still some people that cares. May God bless Williams for her braveness! :))

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