Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[FREE] Deffered dream...

    Many people put their dreams aside for some kind of reason. When we have a dream that is deffered,  we either keep it, wait for it or just forget it. If we want to keep that dream we need to try hard and do anything to get that dream back. But sometimes we just need to wait for the right time to accomplish that dream. If we realize that the deferred dream is impossible to accomplish or just changed our thoughts, we can just forget about that dream and move on. It really just depends on the person who has that dream, the person will choose what to do with it.
    If I had a deferred dream, first I would try to reach it and see if it's possible for me. But if I can't accomplish it then i would wait for the right opportunity and prepare myself to reach it. But even if i tried hard and waited long enough and still it's impossible to accomplish, then i would put that dream in the way back of my brain and forget about it. And hopefully i will find a new dream and can make that dream come true.

Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] where is the love?

   I just read this inspiring article about this brave woman Williams. This incident happened recently like two days ago. Williams was driving her daughter to her school before she went to her job, but then she saw a truck on fire in her rear-view mirror. She stopped the car and left her baby in there to save that random stranger who was on fire. I think her actions were very brave and heroic when she could have burned herself too.
    I'm very impressed and inspired that she saved just a random person when no one else cared enough to at least stop when someone was FREACKING BURNING!!! If I was that driver I would never ever forget her braveness and will be thankful to her for the rest of my life. I'm  very happy that there are still some people left that care about other people. This article makes me want to ask "Only one car stopped to save the driver then what happened to the other hundreds of cars that passed the truck?" From this kind of things we can see that people just don't care about each other anymore and lost our love. But If I was in that situation I think I would just pass the truck without stopping and I hate myself for that. It's really sad to see people becoming more selfish and careless these days or maybe we're just scared to stand up for the right thing. But I guess I'll be thankful that there are still some people that cares. May God bless Williams for her braveness! :))

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[RE] Time flies so fast like a wind....

We all know that one of the most valuable things that leads to success is TIME. There is a phrase about it "Time is Gold." Like Julie Le said :
      "To me, time goes by WAY too fast. No matter what's going on, time would just keep ticking and it won't stop for anything. That upsets me because each day I'm growing older and getting closer to graduating high school."
     I totally agree with this, it's just going so fast like a blink of an eye. It's kind of sad that days are flying by and I'm not really doing anything useful. 4 years of high school passes so fast that you'll be like "im going to college already?" I feel like 24 hours is not enough for me to finish things, i wish there was at least 30 hours a day. I believe that time controls everything, without time things won't make sense. As time passes, we will grow old and get mature and will have bigger problems than just doing our homeworks.
   Before, I wanted time to go by fast, but now I want the time to slow down, so I can enjoy these high school years before everything gets more complicated. I don't want these years to be boring all about studying,  I want to have fun while I still got little time.Because we're going to study and learn for our whole lives until we die, so I wanna cherish these easy simple few years like a teenager cuz after few years we're going to be ADULTS!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] Volleyball :)))

   Last week was a very exciting week for me because I played in volleyball tournament. I really like to play volleyball but im not super good at it. This tournament was on Saturday in Bladium. Me and my team practiced every Tuesday for two months i think and we were really looking forward to this competition. And finally it was the day to play. I woke up early and didn't feel like playing at all because the day before we practiced a lot and my body was all sore. But i still wanted to be optimistic so we can win.

   When it was our turn to play i got so nervous, even though it wasn't my first time playing in a team. The other teams were good. We were trying our best, but somewhat we lost points on silly mistakes. Also the hard thing was when we lost points some of us got frustrated and irritated. We played against 5 teams, we won 3 teams and lost to 2 teams. When we were playing I wanted to win so desperately, when we needed one point to win i started to shake, which we lost in that team. At the end we won the 3rd place and got medals. I thought it was better than nothing and felt pretty good. I had a really good time and i think the hard work paid off, even though i wanted to win the first place. But it's okay,  we will totally win next time! :)))

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[BC] If tomorrow was my last day....

   The quote that Steve Jobs said had me thinking my life in a different way for a second, especially this part:
        " Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life...Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

  I agree with this quote and it inspires me a lot. One truth about every person is that they all want to succeed in their lives; everyone has some kind of dream and wants to make that dream come true. It don't  matter what we're doing,  the core desire at the center of all our actions is success, even the criminals wants to succeed in their crimes. So if Steve Jobs was never motivated by the idea of death to take charge of his life and do only what was important and necessary to his success, this world would never have seen the Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod and any other things that starts with "i".

    If I started to live like there’s no tomorrow, then my life would be so much better. If I wake up and ask myself “would I want to do what I’m going to do today if it was my last day?” everyday, I wouldn’t do any unimportant things and waste my time. I would finish every task within one day without putting it back for tomorrow and I would have less stress. I would do things that I wanted without regret and also I would have more success and accomplishments in my life. If I live motivated by death just like Steve, I would love my family and friends with all my heart and do nice things for them, I would respect people and won’t say or do mean things. I believe that us humans all have expire dates and every one of us has an assignment to complete before we expire. So If I lived motivated by this quote, I would like to find out what my assignment is and complete it.

  My advice for people is to find your assignments if you didn’t. If you don’t find it  or don’t complete it before your expire date, I don’t think there will be any difference between you and a still-born. Therefore, don’t be afraid of deaths, but be motivated by it. . Let it drive you into pursuing your purpose with passion every single day of your life. Be afraid of only one thing: To die before you complete your assignment, because this is like failing an exam and not having another chance of retaking it. Also living like your last day of your life doesn’t mean to party and have fun everyday, it means to not waste your time on things that are not useful to you. Be wise and reach your dreams!

Friday, October 7, 2011

[CE] iRIP Steve Jobs....iSAD

I think everybody knows that Steve Jobs, the founder, chairman of Apple.Inc, chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios and a member of board of directors of The Walt Disney Company is dead. Here is the links about Jobs:

So on wednesday i think, i logged in into my Facebook account and saw some statuses about Steve Jobs like "RIP Steve Jobs." and I wondered who he was. So i decided to google him and found out that he was a very famous and important person. Then i felt really sad that he's gone now. He did soooooo many great things, he updated our world. If it wasn't him we wouldn't have any Apple computers and the most importantly the IPHONES, which some people can't live without it. We would still be using stuff like Walkman.

   This is the thing that i hate the most, why does the people we need and look up always end up with some cancer or deathfull sickness. They always end up dying earlier than the other people. An example is Michael Jackson. It was really wonderful of him to still work and create new Iphones when he was sick, i think that's how much he loved his job.

 My friend made me laugh when she said "Oh man, he died without releasing iPhone5!!!" after she found out he was dead. I saw lots of pictures of him in San Francisco this friday. There were memorial stuff happening in front of Apple store. Hundreds of roses were lying in front of his picture and some wrote notes to him.
       " Words can't describe what you did for the world, thank you alot and we will miss you!!!"

[RE] more and more CANDIESSSS!! xD

   YESSS!!! The Halloween is coming up. We have like 24 days till it happens.Stores are already selling halloween costumes and people decorating their houses. When I think about Halloween I think about CANDIESS. I love candies they're just soo good that i can't get enough. And i totally agree with Gigi here:

     "I'm probably too old to still trick-or-treat and stuff but it's so fun."

    I wanna go trick-or-treat too. But my friends told me we're too old to do it. But still i wanna goo and get candies. Since I came in America I trick-or-treated only twice. I really liked it, so i wanna go this year again, but if i do it this year it's going to be the last one. Last year me and my friends wore a plain white mask, the ones like Jabawokees wear and then drew things on it. And people thought we were U-KISS. We went through several streets and collected many candies, I ate it like for weeks.

   But i still doubt that i would go this year cuz my parents think it's dangerous to go outside on Halloween. There were several deaths in Alameda during Halloween, so parents would want me to stay home safely. It would suck if i can't go. -_____-


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[FREE] interruption...uughh

   Soo guys my this week's free post is going to be about interruption. Interruption means to talk while someone else is talking. I find interruptions very annoying and rude.I believe people will agree with me on this. I just can't stand it when someone else talks when i'm talking , it makes me forget the point of what i was talking and it makes me frustrated.

  Listening carefully while someone else is talking and waiting patiently till it ends shows a respect to that certain person. Many people don't have that respect, especially at our age. There's always at least one student that always interrupts the teacher or students in the class. For teachers, it's really hard to teach when someone else is constantly interrupting and it's hard for students to learn too. Well if i was a teacher i would make that student do some extra work or punish that student until he/she learns to listen to others patiently. In some countries teachers make their student hold a chair up for hours until they get it. Or some of hit their hand or butt with a long wooden ruler. I don't expect any teachers here to do that but if students don't understand when teachers just say "stop", i think some students deserve something harsh and bitter. Because when we grow up, we'll need this patient at some point. There are many many adults that still interrupt while someone is talking, i think it becomes a habit if we don't fix it early.